Kindy Mud Play

Last week, our Kindy students were visited by Educated By Nature for a Muddy Gully incursion. Our presenters, Steph and Isaac, were engaging and encouraging as we had a sensory experience to remember!

Students had the chance to create sensory mud pies with scented herbs and plants from our school garden. They created sculptures using mud clay, gum nuts, leaves and sticks - there were dinosaurs, people and lots of animals made. They played their own imaginary games using different scents and textures at the mud kitchen.

They squelched mud in their toes as they spread it across the mat to make a slippery muddy puddle. They mixed small bowls of mud with different coloured ochre to paint on their face and bodies (and on each others!).

At the end of the session they even got to have a muddy slip and slide! The smiles were from ear to ear and we thank Steph and Isaac for a wonderful experience