Class Of 2023 - Final Day


Today we bid farewell to our first graduating cohort of Year 12 students, the Class of 2023! Their last day began with a lovely breakfast in the Café, kindly provided and cooked by the Friends of Mother Teresa (FOMT). We thank them for their kind generosity and involvement on this special day.

Students then made their way to their final College Assembly in the Covered Area, with student representatives and siblings in attendance. Here, we acknowledged our Class of 2023, reflected on their journey at the College and presented some special awards. The biggest surprise of the day was the whole College gathering to form a guard of honour for our Year 12 students, stretching from the Junior School to the Secondary School!

Students finished their day with a beautiful liturgy, time for reflection, and a final game of Kickball! As our Year 12s embark on their next journey, we hope they remember to keep in touch and always find support in our College community. We wish them the best of luck as they prepare for their final exams, complete training or start careers - and look forward to celebrating their official Graduation from the College next Term.

Congratulations Class of 2023!